Education stands as one of the most transformative and empowering forces in our society, and at the heart of that educational journey lies the institution that shapes and nurtures young minds – the school. Beyond its role as a place of learning, school plays a pivotal role in fostering personal growth, intellectual development, and societal progress. In a Lutheran Neighborhood School, we add one more part. One piece that without, all the others are useless. That piece is faith.
At LNS we put our faith first, middle, and last. It is the foundation of what we do, and it is our reason for doing it. We grow faithful leaders through intentional church connections, service to others, and time spent in word and worship. We want our students to love God, love others, and love learning.
You can support our work in three ways:
Pray for us.
Make a donation to support LNS.
Volunteer at LNS.